Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Male Restroom Etiquette

This is something that you need to concider, as well as watchout for if you do not follow the rules.

What you do in the rest room, does not leave the rest room.

But that only applies if YOU FOLLOW THE RULES!

The video may be long. But it is worth watching to the end. IT IS FUNNY!

{disclaimer: not safe for work, not safe for small children, and females should not be allowed to view. [It will give up our secrets of what we do whilest in the sanctuary].}

And it explains why the women may 'powder noses' together.

And why men, even if the back teeth are floating will wait, if they see another guy go into the bathroom, and leave, before going in to relieve themselves.

It may be long. But it is worth the watch.

Blessed Be, and don't violate the rules of the urinal.
Dr. S.

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