Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yet another danger of smoking

Hi all !
The doctor is back, and has an urgent warning about how dangerous cigarettes can be to your health. This comes from a dire and unfortunate incident that I personally experienced earlier today that causes me to be WAY more careful about my life in regards to my cigarette smoking.
It all started around 10:00 this morning. I had been working on catching up & sorting out the 2000+ e-mails backlogged in my various accounts during my journey to live with & observe numerous violent sub-mammalian subjects. I thought to take a break from things & go outside to have a smoke.
As it was raining, I made my way to the garden shed to get out of the wind and elements. I dug around for my lighter & a danger stick thinking that I didn't have anything to worry about. Little did I know....
As I took a long drag on the 100mm burning tube of tobacco while contemplating how to modify the handheld leaf vaccum to connect to a bin instead of a bag, I went to take the cigarette out of my mouth.

I then felt it.

It started off as a small twinge on the left side, not much to think about, and not much to associate to what caused it. I continued on with my smoking & redesigning of the B & D lawn muncher for a few whiles until I went to tap my ashes and the twinge became a sharp pain & had replicated itself to the center & the right side.
I looked down at my shaking hands, saw some blood, and said to myself "no... It can't be, this cannot be happening to me right here & right now. I am so f*&cked!".

Then I got my wits about me & realized,

The g-damned paper on the filter was bent up & gave me a paper cut on my lips.

So please take this story with you to warn your friends & others, so that they may not suffer unnecessarily like the great Doctor Strangelove has.

Blessed be, and make sure your butt is smooth
Dr. Strangelove


Aaron said...

I'm glad you weren't coughing up blood...because that sucks. Although I only get that when I have a bloody nose which coagulates, and then I cough, but regardless, it's very gross. Unfortunately I cannot heed your advice, because I so rarely smoke. I suppose in the few times I "do" smoke, I will heed your advice. So, whatever.

Aaron said...

So, it's been like 4 months. How about posting something funny?