Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cat Shit One Movie Trailer -or- "Don't funny with my Bunny!"

Now many of you may know my affinity for the lagomorphs in this world. And most people that have met either of my bunnies Roscolene, {grey Mini-Lop, Codename 'Packy'}, or Disney, {B&W Dutch, Codename 'Botasky'}, just saw the cute little furry long eared chick magnets that they were. But little did they know . . . . .
Click for Wikipedia entry

They were highly trained in urban assault & guerrilla warfare. They did not "die", they graduated boot camp. These "cute bunnies" were actually living with us while here covertly training to be vicious sociopathic killers when called to duty. They strike with surprise & stealth. And until now, until this movie, there has been scarce documentation of the hellfire wrath that they can deal out to those of whom oppose them.
Heed the warning: "Death awaits you all with great big nasti pointi teeth . . . and a grenade launcher"
Blessed Be, and beware the terrorist cells of camels
Dr. S.

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