I waited to make this post until I saw 'Firefly', the series that this movie is not only based on, but contains the cast of as well.
I admit that going into the theatre I was apprehensive about watching a movie so closely tied to a Sci-Fi series that had been bounced from network to network. I had never seen Firefly, and barely remembered what the show was about. But I was in for one hell of a surprise.
Very often science fiction genre movies are dry of humour, devoid of decent storyline, and appeal to only those that worship the comicbook, cartoon, latenight series, or fantasy bored {spelled correctly in this case}, game. In other words 'outsiders' like myself are not only lost on the nuances, but not included on what the hell is going on.
Serenity however breaks that mold. After two of my cohorts in crime told me the back story, I thought "Oh fuck, not another piece of shit bought out by Hollywood & bastardized into mindless pulp again...".
In the first few minutes of the show I was sucked in, engrossed, and following along with what is going on. And also, by the way, I WAS ENTERTAINED! I did not have to see the series, I did not have to be some pasty 40 year old that argues the difference between "Next Generation" & "Battlestar Galactica", and why one is better than the other. {BTW. I favour DS-9. Why? Because the chicks look better ;-)}.
OK I know I will catch hell for that comment, but that is my opinion, this is my blog, if you disagree fine, counter comment away below. At least I will know someone reads my rantings.
That aside, this is a great film. Sci-Fi with a sense of humour, and a story that will pull in the people least likely to enjoy it, and really blow away the geeks that live in the parents basement.
GO SEE THIS MOVIE! You will not regret it.
Blessed Be, Dr. S.