Friday, December 04, 2009

On the eve of a certified used life


I know it has been a while. I know some may feel abandoned.

But I have been busy.

All I can say right now is that the chrysalis will shed in the next few hours. And along with that will be a lesser chance of repercussion for what is to come.

I have not been idol in the last twenty three months, far from that. I have decided to take up writing again. Although I have not written anything here, I have indeed been putting words into form to get several interesting, and embarrassing things out in the open. I have to still wait a bit longer for clearance to avoid more legal issues & backlash from some of my subjects & characters. But be patient. It should be worth the wait. And as an added bonus, there might be a sideshow spectacle tossed into the center ring of the local rumour mongering!

So, thank you for reading this. And be sure to come back later!

Blessed Be, and remember to take notes of everything that can save your ass.
Dr. Strangelove