I am sitting here. The news just declared tonight to be "the coldest night of the year". AGAIN!
This is like the ninth time they have made this call. I don't know about you guys, but I'm having flashbacks to the story of crying wolf. We all here it & react. But after so many times if will not rate a reaction from anyone.
And I think this is a big factor in why lately so many people have gotten themselves into such deep shit when they go out. Just like wild animals that have been exposed to humanity, there is no longer any fear of what may kill them. Or, maybe it is too much fear.
I have seen way too many people complain about things that they have lived with all of their lives lately. Ranging from second hand smoke to germs on door handles, to possibly being taken in the middle of the night by a group of Alaskan ninja elk.
Some things are legitimate threats. Things like deforestation, random violence, loss of jobs, housing, family, and real life things that actually be preventable if people did more than sit on the couch & yell at the TV.
But concerning ones self with piddly stuff that we have no control over is dumb.
One of the prime tenets of every religious following or theology is to accept others for what they do. 'An ye harm none', 'do unto others', 'forgive them for they know not what they do', all of these phrases are not just words, they are a way of living with each other. If someone looks like they belong to some underground faction that promotes killing for killing. They might actually be a part of that group. But most likely they are just as normal as you, and the only difference is the way they dress, the way they talk, or how they deal with everyday life.
Just deal with it, and don't be an ass about things you have no control of. You cannot control others like you can a pet, or some programmed toy with a remote. It just doesn't happen that way, and never will. That is what makes live in the world so fun.
Blessed Be, and leave your troubles at the door
Dr. Strangelove