After the panic of thinking I had lost everything, I got it to work again.
But first a little update:
About a month ago, I had a stroke. Some think it was minor because I appear to be functioning "normally". And many claim that it was overblown to get attention.
But they were not the ones that woke up that morning with their entire right side from cheekbone to toes without any feeling what so ever. They did not immediately have themselves confined to a hospital bed for four days, I referred to it as being taken hostage. Even though I had all motor functions at the time, I could not even step one foot outside the hospital doors to get my car out of the emergency room parking lot when they force admitted me to the hospital.
So my mother, {who was still recovering from back surgery the week prior}, had someone hide my car in one of the parking ramps for me to play hide & seek with when I finally broke out. And brought my laptop & other things of interest to me while in captivity between pokes, prods, injections, inspections, and various other forms of witchcraft in the name of science. It was during that time I decided to try to document the experience of having a stroke since I could not find a blow by blow first hand account by anyone that would help others prepare to deal with such a trauma.
I have FaceBook, & I inundate my *friends* with various updates from my timeline, whether they like it or not, the stuff I post shows up without rhyme or reason to their newsfeed. I did not want to overdo the medium with crap they might not really give a shit about. So, I tried to log into here, my blog, the one space I can prattle on & people choose to read it or not, but THEY choose, not some half assed algorithm. This is when my plans took a hit right into a brick wall.
I went to logon, and saw my page for about half a second, then a page from some squatter trying to ransom a URL for some misspelled variation of twitter. At the time I thought that blogger\google had closed my page again & the address was no more, but after going to one of my other blog experiments & seeing they were fully alive & well, I had to do some investigation then.
Which brought me to tonight. I was bored, and had just gotten a followup with the neuro-doc, and thought to try to unravel the mystery again. Somehow a redirect got injected into the HTML of my template. I don't know how, I don't know where, but it was hidden enough that I could not find it when I went line by line. So I decided what the hell, I will just nuke the template, replace it, and if anything was lost, that is what the internet archive is for.
And it worked!
So now, after all that, I totally forgot what the hell I was going to write about tonight, and the rise of the planet of the apes is in the background on tv. Never saw it before, but John Lithgow is in it, so I gave it a chance. Nice visuals, great CGI, but it cannot compare in any way to the 'real' planet of the apes movies.
So what will follow will be me farting around & re-associating myself with the tools here for a while, but I will try to post back here more as it is more of a free space to vent off the more non politically correct things that I feel need to be released, and more on what it is like & what has changed by having a stroke. To an outsider it is almost imperceivable, but to me, it is my life from now on.
And again, Blessed Be,
Dr. Strangelove