Saturday, November 19, 2005

Hairy pothead & forgetting his ticket

I was going to post this last night, {well for me, last night, for others it would be Friday morning}.

The expected onslaught of freaks for the midnight showing caused us to have people standing door for the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter movie. We had shows starting @ 12:01, 12:10, 12:20, & 12:30. People, {I use that term generously}, started showing up around 4pm, and were rather nice & easy to deal with compared to the Star Wars early shows.

I got called to make sure I was going to come in, and if "you were not planning on working on anything tonight...", so that I could stand door for the four shows.

I said what the heck, it gives me a chance to work without the threat of bodily harm, and I get to dress up! Little did I know. . . .

So, I showed up in full dress jacket, tie & slacks. Several of my co-workers did not recognize me since I did not have my standard baseball cap or denim shirt & jeans. I then found out that I had to stand door for the 1st showing.

Now Keep in mind here that THIS is the show that is the one everyone else wants to sneak into, sneak others into, and boast that they were the "first ones" to see the movie.

{little do they know, all four of the prints were watched almost 24 hours earlier by those of us that work at the theatre}.

So I say PPffffffffTTTT!!!! And I would taunt them again little wipers of other peoples bottoms!

ANYWAY: We opened the theatre for the 1st show right after the credits ended for the prior showing of Jarhead @ around 9:40 to seat "people" for the 12:01 showing of Harry Potter. BIG ASSED RUSH TO CLAIM SEATS. And each & every one of them were asked to see the ticket they had, and told to "KEEP THIS TICKET WITH YOU IN CASE YOU LEAVE THE THEATRE, YOU WILL NEED IT TO GET BACK IN".

How soon they forget. But when you have to sit in a theatre for 2.5 hours, most are going to want to pee, grab more food, or in the case of some highschool kids sneak out for

After two hours they all got antsy & running in & out. Each & every time being asked "do you have your ticket so you can get back in?". And most of them went back in to grab their ticket, or someone else's, {wink wink wink, we do not give a smelly rats ass if it is YOUR ticket}.

So, back to the title of this post.

A group of eight semi-college aged people stumbled up to the door with their tickets at about 11:50. On the benefit of the doubt they all smoked Marlboro Lights, & they all got "that special blend that smells like something not tobacco....". Yeah Right.

So one of the group came running out of the theatre during the run of the trailers to get more popcorn. {mind you it has been about ten minutes, large bag of 'corn, and he is not sharing with his buddies}. As well as he is a tall white guy with dreadlocks & Burkinstocks looking like someone who dumpster dives @ the goodwill.

He comes back with a full bag of 'corn to go in & I asked him for his ticket.

"Dude, I don't have it dude, whoh it must be in my coat inside with my friends"

After repeating what I told him & the rest of his stonehenged group of psudohippie wannabees when they 1st got there that he cannot get back in without a ticket. {I was busy with other patrons when he left, how the hell do I know he did not have a ticket for the 12:20 show next door?}

I followed him in to the theatre to where {go figure} all of his buddies were in the front row slouched down to the point of almost sliding off the chairs freaking out about how big the picture is. I turned on my maglight while he went through all twelve of his coat pockets to make sure he was in the correct show.

Got the right ticket. I don't mind stoners. I don't mind people dressing up as freaks from a book/movie series.

I do however mind freaky stoners at a childrens show.

Dr. S.

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