I wanted to do this last night but I got distracted by other people & things.
I was doing fine with all of the different 9.11 news stories & other things that I saw in the news & such. Then the bush spoke.
The bush spoke. The bush doesn't speak well on his own. The bush is totally clueless without a teleprompter or in-ear monitor with someone on the other end telling him what to say.
Plain & simple, the bush is dumber than a shrubbery.
As a nation we all mourned five years ago in sympathy for what happened on the east coast. Me personally, I was dumbfounded by the extent of how two huge buildings could become a pile of rubble so easily. That and seeing the front end of a firetruck from a house that I used to walk by on a daily basis crushed like a tonka toy. When I saw that I totally lost it. I knew that crew. They were some fun guys to chat with & had a ton of stories that would carry Rescue Me into more that ten seasons.
But this is not a TV show. They actually died that day.
But for the bush to come on TV last night with the arrogance to say that because of what happened five years ago it is totally ok to allow almost 3,000 of our military to die. There is no friggin 'Weapons Of Mass Destruction', no direct connection of Iraq to Al-Qaida, and nothing to prove in the mid east with exception to seeing how far we can piss them off.
We as Americans are a proud group of people. We have overcome many diverse obstacles in the history of our country. Why now do we have to go out like missionaries and bludgeon our way of life, our mode of thinking, & our 'democracy' on people that have been around a hell of a lot longer than the USA? The original gulf war was "make Kuwait a free country..." Kuwait wasn't a free country to begin with, IT WAS THE FU*@ING OIL that was to be freed! And now curious george {he
does look like a chimp} gets on the TV & says that all is right.
Well I am sorry but if that were the case why do we now have the most people living below the poverty level in history, crime is rocketing up faster than an ICBM, and people are killing others because 'they don't look right'. We now are in the land of the free & home of the brave, but should that come at the cost of being constrained & fearful?
Blessed Be, and pay a lot of attention to the men behind the curtain.