Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A different 404 error page

I like this one, but I don't have kitties:

404 - CelticBear


That is right, at sunset I start my own little festivities for what I concider a New Year.

"New year, is Dr. S really FUBAR'd?"

No, I'm just happy to be among the living. That, and for those of you that don't know by now, or have not picked up on it - - - I am a wiccan. Not a witch, worlock, or any other D&D silly assed thing that people have created for TV & movies. But a normal person that has a belief that we actually can make a difference in the world if we work togather instead of beating the snot out of those that don't agree with us.

"an ye harm none" = the golden rule
"blessed be" = "peace unto you & yours"
Not much different than any other religion now is it.

Blessed Be All, Dr. S

Monday, October 23, 2006

Loss of our constitutional rights

This is an email from my father. He actually is a doctor {PhD}, whereas I just play one on the 'net.
For me, this should not happen, it should not be allowed, nor should it be tolerated.

Dr. S.

Good morning,

Please take a moment to watch this video relating to the Military Commissions Act that was signed into law recently by George W. Bush.


It basically gives one man, Bush, the power to declare any US citizen who disagrees with him as an "unlawful enemy combatant", allowing him to single out individuals, like yourself, to be arrested and detained indefinitely without giving you your constitutional rights to Habeas Corpus. This means you can sit in jail without being able to contact your family or your attorney.

It means a loss of the constitutional rights of every American citizen based upon the whims of a single individual: George W Bush.

If you decide to send a contribution to the victims of Lebanon, you could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant"...

if you want to contribute to the International Red Cross to aid refugees, you could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant"...

or send food or medical supplies to the people of Iraq, you could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant"...

If you write a Letter to the Editor showing any form of sympathy for groups, individuals, or citizens of a particular foreign county not supported by this Administration, you could be declared an "unlawful enemy combatant"...

You could also be tortured under the rules and regulations now in play by this Administration.

Please view the news clip


and decide for yourself.

Be a responsible citizen and follow the news (not on Fox, however) to stay informed.

Check to see how your Congress person voted on this bill at:


Write letters. Make phone calls. Let them know of your concern.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Why do people do what they do?

Originally I was going to write about something totally obverse from this, but right now I am pretty pissed off @ the people around me.

To the left of me I have several people that I did not realize how fucking racist they are. These people are, in my vision beneath the status of moron. Some of you know that before going to the cow box I had an extremely low tolerance for idiots. After being a lorded minion of the cow, I became tolerant of those that just did not know better.

I have not heard so many references to dark skined people as the "N-word" in such a short period of time. EVER!

They may be bottom feeders, but they do not have to spread this kind of idiocity & plain ignorant mind set in my bar.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

And the answer to the question of "Why are we here?" will soon be given around 3:12 p.m. tomorrow 20, October.

Then later on @ Willy's shortly after 9 p.m.

Most earthlings, & some others are invited

Please remember your towel.....

Blessed Be, live long, & prosper, and keep your fluids pure

Dr. Strangelove

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

76 'rusty' trombones in the big parade

I wonder if this would work with the piccalos and the tubas. It definitely could change the whole sax sound.

Blessed Be, and keep humming that tune that is in your head.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


This is just going too far. I am fed up with the poli-cor attitude that everyone must feel the same, & feel each others pain.


But to think of the poor schmucks that had to pose for the photos does make me laugh.

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