Tuesday, October 31, 2006


That is right, at sunset I start my own little festivities for what I concider a New Year.

"New year, is Dr. S really FUBAR'd?"

No, I'm just happy to be among the living. That, and for those of you that don't know by now, or have not picked up on it - - - I am a wiccan. Not a witch, worlock, or any other D&D silly assed thing that people have created for TV & movies. But a normal person that has a belief that we actually can make a difference in the world if we work togather instead of beating the snot out of those that don't agree with us.

"an ye harm none" = the golden rule
"blessed be" = "peace unto you & yours"
Not much different than any other religion now is it.

Blessed Be All, Dr. S

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