Sunday, March 11, 2007


As some of you know, I have an on going thing about the little furry tailed [cute/nasti] animals.

It all started with my post about Squirrel Fishing.
And then went on afterwards with the post "Fun with squirrels, Part two" about the Squngee & the Squngee Deluxe
Later on came, "Do not under estimate the power of squirrel"
But the most odd was the story of "Russian squirrel pack 'kills dog'."

If you are reading this & curious, scroll up & type squirrel in the search box above, then click search blog to the right.

But I don't know if I could still now describe my feelings when I saw this.

I love animals. I have an affection for rabbits, and some other small [wait until I find a King Lop though], animals. I love dogs too. But in my eyes, everything & everyone is fair game of needing care.
[Even cats, although I am extremely allergic to them.]

But my P.E.T.A. stands for &, = People Eat Tasty Animals.

And this video made me wonder that if my friends & I were bored & had the resources to something like this, then build the rig.

What would be our choice?

Expired food from the fridge that nobody can identify, or unsuspecting rodent foraging for food.
It is semi-funny though with the music. Just a warning, the audio is LOUD!

But then again. . . It IS pretty damn funny.

Blessed Be.
But if I find ANY of you doing this to a hungry bunny.

I and several of my 6'+ / 200+lb. friends will show you how it feels to be slung across the backyard.
Dr. S.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll see your Squirrel-apult and raise you one Twirl-a-squirrel.