Sunday, December 09, 2007

Who the hell Amy Winehouse? And why should I give a shit?

I have been reading a tonne of news on this person lately, not by choice. I have 2 questions:

  1. Who is this bitch?
  2. And is she a dark-side idiot bimbo clone of paris hilton?

I just ask because, aside from the fucked up shit she has been pulling.

Just what the fuck does this dipshit media whore actually do?

Tearful Amy Winehouse returns home after visiting husband in jail - and has to crawl under the gates because she's lost her keys | the Daily Mail

Blessed be, remember your keys, and wipe the coke off of your nose before leaving
Dr. S.


Anonymous said...'screaming+and+sobbing'+Amy+Winehouse+before+her+arrest/

I had to come back to this to send you some pictures of your girlfriend......

At least she hasn't come into the bar and screamed at you - yet.


Anonymous said...

Shut up Stewie, and focus on killing Lois!