Monday, December 07, 2020

Tasty new job?

 So . . . We meat again!

It has been a year (not intentionally) since my last transmission. And it has been a year FROM HELL!

I no longer partake in my field of my training, career, or anything closely resembling what I had been doing for the past forty years. And all because of an overwhelming sickness in the world. And I’m not talking about that spoiled rich kid that plays president on tv. THAT is a disease that after four years of pain, will be taken care of January 20, 2021. 

No, I speak of Corona virus 19, or covid-19 as most refer to it as. “The Asian virus” as diaper don would ignorantly refer to it as. It has killed millions throughout the globe. 

I must cut the short now. I will return! It’s just that my dog is very insistent on going outside right now.

Blessed be, and stay the hell away from each other if you want to live!!

1 comment:

m.b. said...

Yeah. 2020 sucked.