Monday, September 27, 2004

I lost at trivia, but won the trip home

So, the evil (his own claim), nemisis Led, beat me at a simple game of trivia.

I showed him later, I think, by toying with his 'evile', (pinky to mouth), mind by beating him to all the crossroads from 33rd & Minn. to 10th & Cliff.

MUUUAHHHH HAAAA HAAA HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! (again pinky to mouth).....


Now I will watch Dharma & Greg, & wait for the cartwheel..... again.

I'm pretty sure Led would do that too if he could, {laundry injury 'ya know}.

Blessed Be, don't worry about how pure your fluids are, & enjoy the moon today,
Dr. Strangelove

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