Saturday, April 15, 2006

Ban on abortion mocks human dignity

I found this & if I wasn't embarrassed about being from South Dakota before, I am now. This abortion ban is a plain stupid law made by people that think that women are too stupid to make an EXTREMELY personal decision themselves.

I'm sorry, I am pro-choice, and I have no doubts that my wife, girlfriend, mother or daughter, would have a better insight on the situation than some 61 year old man on capitol hill.

One thing these "do gooders of the moralality" do not realize is that unwanted pregnancy is called that for a reason.


They claim that there are people out there wanting to adopt. Yes, that is true as long as the child is a healthy caucasian & not older than a few months.

An acquaintance of mine from college got pregnant & chose to goto the Alpha Center to find out her options. They talked her out of having an abortion. They claimed to have a couple waiting to adopt her child when she came to term. The Alpha Center for those not knowing is a place the "councils" women, and is just a grey-line away from black market baby trading. They have been investigated many times & somehow {read big money}, always get out of trouble. ANYWAY . . . After being told that her medical bills would be paid throughout the term when she gave birth.

It was not a white kid. And she got stuck with the remaining amount of bills, and a child that she could not at the time, & last time I saw her still barely, can support.

Here is the link to the story:

The Winnipeg Free Press Online Edition

Blessed Be, and fight for your freedom.

If you don't, next year you might not be allowed to make your own choices at all.

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