Tuesday, May 31, 2005


I'm watching the press conference this morning with the {pseudo}leader of our nation.

With a leader of one of the most powerful nations in the world:
  • You would expect less than 10-43 "ahh, umm, err, a-a-a," and various other pauses & stutters, per minute, indicating that he does not have a clue of what the hell he going to say next.
  • You would expect this person to not contradict themselves not once, twice, but three times in answering just one question
  • While reading names of the reporters off of an index card, be able to not fluff {mispronounce} three name in a row.
  • He would realize that Iran is not North Korea, and the two countries are not interchangeable
  • North Korea is not a person. {he referred to the whole country as 'him'}
  • Does not understand the difference of disposal & experimentation of stem-cells. Thinking it is more ethical to throw them away than to utilize them for research of curing fatal diseases.
  • Does not giggle to himself during the press conference after making a statement that obviously only he got the joke. {possibly too many mimosa's at breakfast?}
  • The Dali Llama, Catholic Church, & the evangelical in China DOES NOT equate to religious freedom, thus begetting social freedom, then peace. Introducing three religious factions into a country that has a religious base that is more than DOUBLE of all three combined is just asking for bloodshed.
  • Said leader should not "hop real soon" when closing moments arrive in the press conference.
  • After stating that "both parties should work together", he should not state "I BELONG TO THE PARTY THAT IS LEADING . . .".
  • He really should not be allowed to speak without a prompter, handler, or in ear monitor to feed him what he needs to say.

I honestly cannot believe this is who was selected to lead our country. {I voted for anyone but him}. This press conference was more than just embarrassing to me. This is what everyone else in the world will see on the local news & they are going to go.

"What a schmuck!"

Blessed Be, And I'll watchout for the white vans with lots of antennae
Dr. Strangelove

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Movie was good, The People however..........

I know this will get back to the powers that be but.....

When people choose to:

Dress an eight year old girl, as a pregnant character of said movie, for a showing that is late enough that when the time the family unit {lack of better terms}, gets home is usually her wake-up call for breakfast & school.


Go & see every available performance of said movie since the "midnight showing" last week, yet still want to talk his buddies to roll through the remaining three showings last night,

"just to see if we missed anything ...." {ED. NOTE this actually happened last night, & the guy was a [geek x10] last wednesday night, given the exponential expansion of six days, carry the two, & drop the factoring of reality. He might be more powerful than all of the jedi}. Yeah right.
Then again, he came close to getting a SEVERE BITCH SLAPPING last night.

He & his fellow jedi felt the power of the force when they tried to sneak into a different showing.

Mind you, if you decide to 'sneak into' a theatre, don't do it when it is sold out & try to grab someone else's seat two hours into the show.
The irony of it was that the showing they tried to crash, was at the point of rolling credits. And the seats belonged to to some guys that looked like humanoid shaved wookies that had to pee together. {don't ask, don't tell}.

And YET Again . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .


At that point, you are dum. mor tan dum. coil into petal position as phast ewe kan & neigh for cod.

Breasted Brie, Dr. S.

P.S. The little {and big} freaks have decided to tear the new carpet in the theatres up. If any of you see this happening tell the staff. Or call me & I will get medieval on the jedi force.
I just spent over nine hours repairing the damage from these delusional "FANS". And I thought they would be {yeh right G}, a less destructive, I guess I was wrong. However, if you hear about plans to trash, it will pay out one drink/person @ willys. If you hear of someone trying to record one of the showings. I'll split the reward 60/40 with you. {good setup for a 'friend' you do not like}.

Those of you who know have an advantage, those of you who don't. . . . Buy an Illuminati a beer once and a while.

Blessed Be, Dr. S

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Movie Reviews of 2005 #14 - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

Guess what I was doing this morning at 12:30. Give up?

We all got a bit of a surprise when we got to work yesterday, we had five prints {x7 equals 35 reels to assemble}, delivered to the theatre. So we had five separate theatres running dry runs this morning.

ANYWAY... Another WOW! movie. I would like to say it was better than the last one, but that like comparing Sith to an "Earnest goes to..." movie, yaknowwhatimean?

Visually stunning, awesome sound track & effects, and Yoda kicks massive ass. This is the best of the whole Star Wars movie saga. Everything makes sense now the story has come full circle.

I can't describe how good this movie is, and I absolutely do not want to soil your expectations by talking about the story. GO SEE THIS MOVIE, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!

As for the theatre tonight, we have five showings:
12:01 - SOLD OUT
12:10 - SOLD OUT
12:20 - ALMOST S.O.
The 1st 2 showings are in our 2 largest theatres {#6 & #7 ~ 299 seats a piece}. The remaining 3 screenings are in #8 ~251 seats, #5 ~ 249 seats, and #4 ~ 194 seats. This totals to 1292 seats which is more than half of the whole complex of over 2400 seats, just for one film!

If you are going tonight, I'll be there @ 9pm to help with the crowds. Stop & say HI!. And if you see Jason, my boss wish him a happy birthday, {you can't miss him, he looks like a NFL linebacker}.

Blessed Be, & may the force be with you
Dr. Strangelove

Sunday, May 15, 2005

"Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't!"

Just try to win this game. Play it, & just try. I dare you. What are you? chicken?

Just like life, you will not win, you will not pass go & collect $200, and you will die.

So just play the damn game. OK?

Game Show: "Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't!"

I Have Lard In My Anus

In case you ever travel overseas, you might want to know this . . .
I Have Lard In My Anus

Friday, May 13, 2005

Movie Reviews of 2005 #13 - Unleashed

If you are expecting an action packed kung-fu movie with no substance. This movie is not for you.

But Friday the 13th is a lucky day for people who want to see a great film. And as it is my 13th review, I'm going "Whoooooahh!"

Yes, in the first few minutes there is a fight scene that made all of us cringe. And not just from the visual action, but the sounds of pain were true enough to make my friends & I wince just from hearing the SFX. {sidebar, I think this is the best tracked movie in a long time for ADR & Foley effects for the realism alone}.

But Unleashed is an actual movie, complete with plot, characters you care about, characters you hate, and, yes, some bone breaking violence. BUT . . . It actually is a legit movie that blends everything together & carries you on through this guys life changes from "violent dog" to a "real semi-normal" person. And the sneaky thingthat they did. Those bastards actually make you realize the subplot that ran throughout the whole movie, was actually the primary storyline. And it makes sense. And it make the audience members feel good about what they have seen in the last 103 minutes.

And the end of the final fight scene is worth sitting through the movie just for.

Go see this movie. If you don't like it. . . You have problems, & need to go back on your meds.

Blessed Be, Dr. S.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Why I like FOX TV

As many of you know I follow the series 24 on Fox, and have done since it came on the air 4 years ago. I try to tape it every Monday @ 8 p.m. so that I can watch it when I get home from work the next morning, or be able to watch it again to pick up what I had missed when I watch it live.

WELL... Because my work schedule was funky & various other reasons I thought last night {Tuesday}, was Monday & set my VTR to roll & record the show. I got home this morning all set to find out what Jack & all those FBI & CTU people are doing to prevent terrorists from blowing up a nuclear warhead, thus making parts of our nation wasteland.

I popped the tape in, cued it up & saw the tail of American Idol. I HATE THAT SHOW! It has no talent in the way they showcase these people wanting to be famous. And the network doesn't' have to pay the poor schmucks that thought they have talent when they should not even be allowed to LOOK at a microphone. Again, thus making parts of our nation a wasteland of karioki.

OK, back on track . . . After ffw'ing past the smarm show I found House. Led told me about this show & how much he loved it, so I thought I would give it a try.

HOUSE RULES!!! Not that I doubted Led, far from that. But I laughed my ass off & had to spend an extensive amount of time finding it afterwards. {it fell between the bed & the wall & rolled under the headboard, and refused to be reattached, it fought hard to pull out from under there, but I finally grabbed my ass & put it in its place}.

All in all, the show is hilarious. I recommend watching it.

House's take on an upcoming date:
"Hey, way ahead of you. I got a case of malt liquor stashed in the trunk, Mr. Marvin Gaye on the CD. We are gunna get all the way down. . . "

Blessed Be, & don't forget that Sexual Feelin'

Dr. Strangelove
P.S. Does anyone have a copy of 24 from Monday, {5/9}, I would really like to see it. Email me or drop it @ the bar.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I guess the people up north in Victoria B.C. have so to speak. . . taken enough shit. And some are fighting back!

=-> Click Here <-= to find out the story of what the
People Opposed to Outfall Pollution {POOP} have to say about how raw sewage is being dumped into the ocean.

And here is the group's website:


Blessed Be,
Dr. Strangelove

Friday, May 06, 2005

Movie Reviews of 2005 #12 - Kingdom of Heaven

When I first heard that we would be watching Kingdom of Heaven, I thought "what the F#$%?, another 2.5 hours of boring period crap set in the middle ages. Don't they know this shit has been done MANY SUCK-ASSED TIMES in just the last year?".

Boy, were we suprised. . .

The movie starts with several expositional scenes repleate with subtitles of time & location. So this got us up to speed of the where & when. We then find out the village blacksmith is actually the son of a VERY cool bishop on his way to the crusades to defend what is being slowly corroded by the religious zealots, and later carries on his fathers ways for peace.

Then the blood flows, gushes, spurts, & sprays in the first battle. This gave us all a good sign of what was to come. While takeing a break before the run there was a subcatagory of this movie needed to have at least three good fight/war scenes, and this is one of them. There were many to follow in the next 2 hours.

To go on more would ruin the story of good -vs- evil. But I will say the evil you see in the begining is not the true evil of this story.

In short: pee before the show starts, you will get lulled into thinking nothing will happen & you can sneak away. But you will miss something. And the eight reels that comprise this 145 min. film, (not inc. 15 min of trailers), will seem to go rather quickly, so cross your legs & don't think of waterfalls or dripping faucets.

1/2 soda, 1 smoke break {hence the warning about missing key points}

Blessed Be, Dr. Strangelove

A new world. A better world than has ever been seen. There you are not what you are born but what you have it in yourself to be. A kingdom of concious, peace instead of war, love instead of hate. That is what lies at the end of Crusade.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

I was painting a wall @ work at the:

5th second of the
5th minute of the
5th hour on the
5th day of the
5th month, of the
5th year of the century.

What were you doing? Yeah I know, "I was in bed. . .", but that still doesn't answer the question now does it?

Leave a comment:

Blessed Be, & drink safely
Dr. Strangelove

Anyone know where can I get my hands on a fifth of miracle whip?