Thursday, February 23, 2006

The lizard has now become a SeaMonkey

The Goddess, God, and various other minions of open source have released the SeaMonkey.

I find that the people @ have a sense of humour. They, like many of us that are pioneers in the industry of "the 'net" and/or love to do things to make the world play nice with each other are cool dudes & dudettes.

Many of you that frequent this place of the floating mind know that I hate the MS IE.* browsers. I used Netscape until the gobbling of AOL, then went to Mozilla since they were the ones that developed the "browser".

I actually remember that everything on the internet was text. Even the pictures had to be run through some sort of app. that took bin code & somehow made it an image.

Now people piss & moan that they cannot get the Paris Hilton vid.

Rant over.

Just check out SeaMonkey. Trust me, you will not get the crap that they talk about in the back of comic books. You will get a damn good browser suite that has the stuff to body slam Bill G. into the ropes.

Almost like Cactus Jack.

Blessed Be.
Dr. S.

1 comment:

Shortmon said...

I've used firefox and thunderbird for quite awhile now.
the only reason I use IE is one application at work freaks out on firefox.
they rock becuase of the extensions you can add-in.
plus they fight off shit like adware malware and other nasty shit on the interweb.
I will have to download the new suite this weekend and check out the new stuff they added in.