Friday, July 21, 2006

Hi, my name is Dr. S., and I am addicted to firetrucks

Any of you that know me, you know my penchant for firetrucks. I don't know when it started, but my hose is fully charged when talking about them. A few years back I almost bought a 75' ladder truck as a daily use vehicle.

[OK kid, save your kite, alright, no problemo! Save your kitten caught in a tree, sorry, try a pellet gun]

In college, my fraternity [yes I am TKE, and very proud of it], had a late 50's firetruck with a 6volt power system that we only fired up once a year for Hobo-Days, [SDSU's homecoming]. This bitch was my baby. I & others spent several weeks every September attempting to revive her so that we could drive her in the parade, then to the football game. Neverless despite the fact that once we got her started we could not shut her down without a push start, the brakes were on the other side of the cab, [I almost took out an HP at one game], and the bitch was the biggest pain in the ass to handle while driving. And every October for five years I & others had to spend 4-5 hours freezing our asses off in a parking lot in the damn thing waiting for our place in the homecoming parade.

But I loved her so much.

So, anyway, I found this site on a semi-random search for the show Rescue Me wanting to find out what I missed from the last Tuesday episode.

But as I went through the photos I almost broke down because I knew the guys on the crews of several truck & ladder companies that were lost due to the Sep. 11 disasters.

Blessed Be.

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