Thursday, May 31, 2007


My main computer decided to take some acid, or eat some 'shrooms between the Vtime I was at my nephews graduation, [working fine], and getting home to send the video I shot to my dad, [Tom's Grandfather].

After going through the boot process, and after linking my camera to 'Duffy', I was presented with many colourful stripes, lines, & odd little cubes. At 1st I thought maybe I bumped my bag & screwed up a connection in the screen of my laptop.

Ohh, I was so wrong:
  • Connect to TV - fun little squiggly lines.
  • Connect to external monitor - same crap as what is on the laptop screen
  • Thump it like I am playing bongos for Miami Sound Machine - I might get the screen clear enough to shut down without pulling the power & battery
  • In the BIOS screen it will freak
So now I have an Acer [no I DO NOT RECOMEND THIS BRAND!!!!], with vista on it.

Within 3.5 hours of buying it, I had to reload the piece of shit twice.


I do not give a rat fuck about using the 'euro symbol', and the fucking dollar sign is 'shift+4'!

I do not know of anyone THAT FUCKING STUPID!
[actually, I do, but they will remain nameless. Unless they decide to leave the range of the ankle bracelet detector].

Another thing is even though I have my external mouse plugged in, if I just slightly brush against the POS touchpad, I end up opening a ton a crap while I am typing, which begets more windows, which begets even more windows, etc, etc, and so on.

But, even Microsoft admits Vista sucks ass, & we will all have to "upgrade" again in 6 years.

Sounds to me like another Win ME/screw the pooch/take it in the ass situation for the minions of gates.

But, I really cannot return this bastard child of acer. I don't want to have to deal with porting shit over for a while.

That is, unless I find the dumb-fuck that designed this laptop.

Blessed Be, And don't buy into the bullshit that Mr. Bill tells you.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Take off eh, it's been a 2-4 since they started

Bob & Doug MacKenzie may be Canuks. But they are the funny part of my life in the USA.

They are still funny.

Blessed Be, and don't try the mouse in the bottle thing anymore.

They are on to that now

Dr. S.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I meant to do this earlier yesterday. But with the crap that came down on me, it just sort of killed my karma.

I was at work and went outside for a smoke & some fresh air, {yes, I know that is an oxymoron}, but I was in a thought pattern.

I actually was happy looking up & around.

It was not being happy, it was being peaceful.

As I sat & smoked my smoke, {marb lite 100}, I thought about the clouds above me. And it dawned on me that people REALLY TAKE LIFE TOO SERIOUSLY!

If you see a cloud the size of your car, it is most likely it is bigger than your neighborhood.

Clouds can look friendly with all of the white "fluffy" stuff. But the angry clouds are what you need to run away from.

And, it does not take long for a "happy" to become "extremely pissed off" cloud.


I guess as the drunk shit-heads around me perverse what I what to say.

They can't do it

I love being able to see the clouds pass by.

Blessed Be, and don't take life too seriously
We all die in the end

What ARE they actually saying in Yellow Ledbetter?

Just some silliness to post. I found this through Fark, & I know at least one person who will enjoy it.

Blessed be, and leave Bennigans

Friday, May 11, 2007

SSI Shredding Demonstrations

This is what us might visually could happen when your significant other leaves you. Ugly, but cathartic.

At least in the dumpee's mind.

SSI Shredding Demonstrations

Blessed Be, and hand me something to feed the beast.
Dr. S.

Friday, May 04, 2007

This is cool accordion music

I know many organ players & Toccata & Fugue in D minor is a byatch to play, but a fantastic piece of music. This guy does it on an accordion very impressively.

And Part two...

Blessed Be, and be an organ doner
Dr. S.

God for geeks

If you have ever worked on a true mainframe computer, you may enjoy this. Otherwise it a fun take on creation. It will take a bit of time to get through though, it is like an old teletype running at 300 baud.

Click Below.

Blessed Be, and pass the key-punch stack