Friday, December 09, 2005

Movie Reviews of 2005 #26 - Syriana

Since we did not pay to see this movie we cannot ask for our money back.

Obviously there was a turkey left on the counter since Thanksgiving, because this one could feed a large extended family if it wasn't so rotten & smelly.
Many people "in the know" are singing praises & kudos about this film. I honestly think they all got paid off by the producers. Either that or someone laced the water supply with crack & LSD. IT IS BAD, REALLY BAD, REALLY BORING & BAD, and that is the best/kindest words uttered by anyone that came out of the screening this morning. Actually the kindest thing was "ZZZzzzz, uhmm, Oh it's over?" after we had to wake her up.

It is convoluted, confusing, disjointed, nothing what-so-ever tying the sub plots together until the last 10 minutes, AND DULLER THAN DIRT. Oh and did I mention that we all that it was bad? I thought George Clooney & Matt Damon had better taste in what shows to choose, but obviously not. Then again they may been on the crack & LSD water too.

The people responsible:
Produced by
Sarah Bradshaw .... associate producer
George Clooney .... executive producer
Ben Cosgrove .... executive producer
Jennifer Fox .... producer
Georgia Kacandes .... producer
Elizabeth Kirkscey .... associate producer
Shannon Lail .... associate producer
Michael Nozik .... producer
Jeff Skoll .... executive producer
Steven Soderbergh .... executive producer

These people should be taken out and bitch-slapped for misleading people into thinking that they are going to drop good money to see an action/political thriller. Matter of fact I know there are laws against deception of what you are selling & "bait & switch" scams.
Point blank, if you want to see this movie as an "action thriller". Save your money and just watch the commercial or trailer, because ALL of the action & thrills from the movie are there.

Syriana is the worst movie I have seen in a long time, {if not ever}, and everyone else at the screening felt the same. It was even more boring & crappy than Constant Gardener. At least that movie had great visual settings & locations. This movie on the otherhand was dull & drab looking at every location {and there were many}, that they shot at. Several of us noticed that someone must have gathered a shit-tonne of frequent flyer miles, maybe they can send those miles out to refund the two hours of my life lost to watching this & attempting to stay awake.

Do I even need to go into my rating scale on this one? I don't think so.

Blessed Be, & stay away from this flick
Dr. Strangelove

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