Sunday, November 05, 2006

So sir, Dr. Howser will be doing your prostate exam today . . .

I think this is one of those "I always thought it, but........"

EXCLUSIVE: Neil Patrick Harris Tells PEOPLE He Is Gay | Neil Patrick Harris :

I had to come up with something less serious than leaving women to die because those elected to office think the women in South Dakota are too stupid to make a decision on there own.

VOTE NO ON SIX! You will sleep better at night if you do.

Sorry, I meant "have fun, enjoy life!" That is until someone says that you can't wear anything but a burkah.

Sorry again. Actually no I am not. This is where this sated group of what used to be free thinking Americans are now being sheep to those that tell us what to do & not do.

This is not the America I grew up in.

And as is looks right now, it will never be again.

All that aside, Doogie does dress well.

Blessed Be, Dr. S.


Anonymous said...

I can now sleep better knowing NPH's sexual orentation. Because I now can dream of him without guilt.


Anonymous said...

Now that we know he is out of the closet... ok so.. Whats the big deal.. All the damn celeberties are like expected to "come out of the closet" but what about all the damn politics that haven't? Crapola is what i say