Sunday, September 30, 2007

So, you wanna see something REALLY SCARY?!?!

I saw this & thought back to when I was working for 'Disco On Wheels', when I got sent out to babysit the kelo dj's. But there was one night I had to drive & setup a gig for some dance at either Harrisburg or Canton, and the DJ, Wally Wingert, {who now does a butt-load of voice work, [i.e. Family Guy], & other stuff, and is still a good friend of mine}, and myself had both just seen the movie

"Twilight Zone"

[UPDATE 07.10.14: Thanks to 'The Mut', I corrected the movie from "Tales from the crypt"]
So, to top it off I had an aluminum splint on my wrist like a bad captain hook & Wally was dressed in all leather. For the whole night during the gig we referred to each other as "Aluma-Man & Leather Lad".

Mind you, Wally doesn't imbibe in anything, and I was totally dry. {yes, there was a time that I was responsible}

And as the night closed, & we bundled up all of the gear back into the truck, & we hit the highway to head home.

Imagine a full moon that you can drive & see EVERYTHING. It was a "I wear my sunglasses at night . . . . " moment.

We are still chatting back & forth about various things, and then it happened.

Headlights about two miles away.

I turned to Wally and asked "Do you want to see something really scary?'
He picked up on where I was going, and we both went into movie mode. Dialog & everything.

So here we are driving down a rural 2-lane highway, in a box-truck that has no equal for forward lights, {I forgot to mention that our boss rigged the panel van with a light package that would impress/blind people, why?, just because}, and there is someone coming at us.

So, I shut off the headlights, & there was mention of 'there might be nun's out there!!!', 'rocks must have taken out the headlights', etc.

As we got closer, I flipped the switches for the auxiliary lights, and turned them all on at about 3/4 of a mile. And by our guess, the car left close to a 150 yard skid track.

That made our night.

So anyway, now on with the show:

Do not watch this if you are tripping on anything, 'Cause it might warp your mind, curve your spine, and may help to lose the war for the allies'. {George Carlin}
But it is still cool.

Blessed be the artists that can have the forethought, patience, {thirteen hours}, to do things like this.

Dr. Strangelove

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Britney Spears - VMA 2007 - Gimme More

By popular request, {and this way I don't have to search for it again}, I'm posting the video of one of the most resent tragedies.
Just don't eat anything before watching.

Blessed be, and remember that spandex is a privilege, not a right
Dr. S.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Notes from the veranda Pt 1

So, as I sit out on the 'back porch" of my favorite pub, I am realizing it is actually a nice night to go camping. Unfortunately I have to be at work in about five hours to load the musical "Movin' Out" into my venue, babysit the show, shut our gear down,
drink, eat, sleep, baby sit show again, {read the label from any shampoo bottle and you will understand}

"Lather, rinse & repeat"

Anyway, I just felt it my duty to let you all in on a little secret. Promise to not tell anyone. Seriously, double pinky promise.

I killed a squirrel the other night.


4400 lb vs 10oz [now ooze] what do think will win?

If you want to make contributions to the memorial fund for its family, send it to the Sioux Falls humane society;

And if you want to view the grave site, it is somewhere in the woods north of Rice, on Bahsen just shy of the bend to the east.
As an ordained pastor of the Universal Life Church, it was my calling to respectfully deal with the situation.


Physically or verbally, we all kill things, ideas, intentions, & love, without knowing that we have done so. And when we finnaly find out about it. It ends up too late to pick up the remnants & make good of the situation.

So, if you find yourself wondering in the trees & find a marker with foamy writen on it.

Please pay respect.

And if you find yourself wondering around going "WTF have I done? Where am I going?".

Take some time to enjoy what you have, & who you have in your life.
You may be surprised.

You asked for orignal material, you got it. Shit like this normally goes to my phantom site.

Blessed Be, & be respectful of others.
Dr. S.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Umm, words escape me on this.

Would he be 'slap-happy'?

Stoned Out of His Mind - Watch more free videos

Blessed Be, and pull your pants up
Dr. S.

Friday, September 07, 2007

And now for something completely different......

So, my friends & family. Several of you expressed concern from my last post. I am ok, I just needed to blow off steam. Is that not what weblogs are for?

So I bring you this.

Politically correct? NO!
Fun to watch? YES!
Pertaining to our current life in America? {sidebar, I misspelled america, & one of the choices was calamari, WTF?} HELL YES!!!

So, Blessed Be, & enjoy the calamari

Dr. Strangelove

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Good people, just stupid choices


Why is it that the people that I know make some of the most stupid-assed decisions without asking someone else "Is this a stupid-assed thing to do?'.

It honestly scares me.

To those I see on a nightly basis. I'm sorry for being a total prick this last last week. Shit

This was longer. I cut out the crap that I had written after proofing it.

In all, yes I finally lost it after the pub closed. After reproofing, I realized I had left out the point of this post.
And thought I should tell you that a friend of mine committed suicide a few months ago. I only found about it last week.

Right now all I can say is be yourself, believe in what you do, and keep buggering on. And if you suspect someone not doing the same.
get them help

Blessed Be, and follow what The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy says on the cover.

Doctor Strangelove, ULC

P.S. After reading this, I sound like a total idiot. But I still stick up for my friends. Alive or dead, I will still tell you that YAAFM for pulling this kind of crap on those of us that care about you.

"The Amazing Jonb"