Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Good people, just stupid choices


Why is it that the people that I know make some of the most stupid-assed decisions without asking someone else "Is this a stupid-assed thing to do?'.

It honestly scares me.

To those I see on a nightly basis. I'm sorry for being a total prick this last last week. Shit

This was longer. I cut out the crap that I had written after proofing it.

In all, yes I finally lost it after the pub closed. After reproofing, I realized I had left out the point of this post.
And thought I should tell you that a friend of mine committed suicide a few months ago. I only found about it last week.

Right now all I can say is be yourself, believe in what you do, and keep buggering on. And if you suspect someone not doing the same.
get them help

Blessed Be, and follow what The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy says on the cover.

Doctor Strangelove, ULC

P.S. After reading this, I sound like a total idiot. But I still stick up for my friends. Alive or dead, I will still tell you that YAAFM for pulling this kind of crap on those of us that care about you.

"The Amazing Jonb"

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