Friday, August 26, 2005

Movie Reviews of 2005 #17 - The Brothers Grimm

I almost did not do a review of this movie because I know that no matter what I say for comments, there will be someone that is adamantly opposed.

For them, I say Tough Shit! If you feel that way then get off your fattened red ass & say something, get a blog & don't be a pussy about it & set it to 'no comments', with a screen name of "anono######", get some balls & make your voice heard! It might lead to other endeavors that will get you out doing things other than downloading porn in your mothers basement.

That said, I thought Grimm was a halfway decent flick. Within seconds you know it is a Terry Gilliam flick. Just in the look & feel of the images on screen, and the settings, sound, & everything, it could not be anyone else. And this continues throughout to the end of the movie.

This is a really, and I mean REALLY odd two hours packed & woven of every fairy tale you have ever head of, and probably many that have slipped the mind over the generations. We were wondering if people will play drinking games when the DVD comes out like "guess the tale" where the 1st one to guess makes someone else drink, if you are wrong, you have 2 drinks, if no one knows, that would be one of the team drinks.

As you might have guessed, or heard already, THIS IS NOT A MOVIE FOR CHILDREN! There are scenes in here that made us all wince. And if you like small animals & white fluffy kittens, you might want to consider going to Devils Rejects instead. Older teens may be able to handle things, but the young'ins will get very freaked out and you can kiss a quick bedtime goodbye for a long time.

There were quite a few things I liked about it, but almost as much that left me hanging. Overall the pace was semi-frantic, but there were times that I would have gone to go grab a smoke & a soda if I wasn't doing the QA on the dryrun, it bogged that bad. As much as there was really funny stuff, it was later countered by things that were either "WTF?" or "EEAWWWUH!". I think that is one of the odd charms of some of Gilliams movies {ie The Fisher King, Brazil, etc.}.

So, all in all, umm, {cough}, the best I can recommend is, if you go to see the Brothers Grimm, you will love it, or you will hate it, or you will just sit there in a catatonic state of wonderment.

Blessed Be, Dr. S.

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