Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Where were the large areolas last night?

I just got back from looking all around the northern skies for large areolas.

Several news shows, both national & local said if you went out north of town, past the bright lights & light pollution, you would see large flashing areolas. This is attributed to sun spots that occurred 2 days ago, and this morning there would be the biggest areola flashing seen in North America in years.

I didn't even see a wet tee-shirt, not even a half nipple, {with exception to Led, but that doesn't count, he was playing with icecubes}.

I was expecting to see all the different colors of areolas flashing red, pink, brown, fuchia, etc. and didn't see diddy. Actually I did see 'diddy' last night, he was still bitching about how pee was getting between him & his fans. If you ask me, he needs to get a sponsorship from Depends if that is the case.

Ohh, umm, I stand corrected. It was auroras that were going to flash.

That would have been nice to see too.

Never Mind . . .

Breasted Be:
Dr. Emily Litella

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