Sunday, May 21, 2006

So what really did happen to flight 77 on 9.11.01?

I am not a 'conspiracy theory whack-job' about 9/11. Matter of fact after 4.5 years, "just let go of it & move on...", was my stand on the whole situation. What happened on that morning changed every American forever. Even here in SF, it directly effected those of us that day doing a "preset" for a dance company that was to perform the next day.

As I went to work that morning the radio in my truck kept talking about something happening with airplanes, and that was it for info. As I walked up to the other stagehands in the loading dock I asked "what the hell is going on, what the fuck happened?" Only then did I find out about the four airliners that were hijacked, at that time no one knew anything more.

As we got on to working on setting lights, sound, & laying marley dance floor, the day went on as normal until we heard that all air traffic had been grounded, then of the first tower being hit.

None of us could speak or move. We all just froze then went into a slow motion move to find the floor or comfy place to sit. "this cannot be happening..." was all that I could think.

It was decided that even though it had not been two hours, we all needed to go out & have a smoke.

After the pre-emptive break, we continued to work. But not without odd dark feelings of what had happened, lurking in the back of our heads.

Several hours later we found out that the show had been called, due to the Tech. Director & several others were stuck in the panhandle of Nebraska. And several of the dancers stranded in Hawaii, the other members just stranded here & there across the nation due to the grounding of anything that flew.

So after getting cut from work since the road-crew can not show up that afternoon, I went to my favorite pub. I walked in & the first thing I saw was the second plane plowing through tower #2.
I could not move for almost five minutes as I was paralyzed, staring at was on the big screen TV in disbelief.
Later on, to add to the shock. After the towers collapsed, I saw the nose end of one of the ladder trucks destroyed in the mess with a Snoopy on the front.

Right then I totally lost it.

Many of you know I have a thing for firetrucks. I almost bought one a couple years ago.

But when I lived in NYC, I would be walking to work in the Broadway district. There was a fire station that I got to know the guys on the crew.
It was a ladder company, and they had a Snoopy on the front of the ladder truck unit.

I knew these guys. And seeing that truck again really hit me hard. It would have been better if I saw it on a news show feature, or Letterman, you know, in a positive way, but not this.
Seeing that ladder truck, covered in rubble hit me really hard. Still does, and probably will for a long time.

So anyway. . . Back to why I am writing right now:

I saw something tonight that changed my stand of just let go & move on. It was a video of pretty solid facts about how there is no way that a Boeing 757 like flight 77's model could possibly be the cause of what happened at the Pentagon.

Before the video, <{-GO HERE-}>, to read the story if you want to.
I recommend doing so.

The video is currently being shown at Cannes Film Festival. It is called Pentagon Strike, and, like I said earlier, it makes its points, and does it very solid & very well. Also check out the various commentary links.

Blessed Be.

Just consider how much your world can change in less than a second.
And there is nothing you can do.

Then consider how much our lives have changed since 9/11.
And there is everything we can do.

Rev. Dr. Strangelove

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